About the National Tobacco Strategy
The National Tobacco Strategy is a sub-strategy of the National Drug Strategy. It also complements a range of other strategies and plans, including the National Preventive Health Strategy.
The National Tobacco Strategy aims to improve the health of all Australians by reducing tobacco use. The National Tobacco Strategy 2023–2030 was released on 2 May 2023, following endorsement by all Australian Health Ministers.
National Tobacco Strategy 2023–2030
Why it is important
Tobacco use impacts:
- people’s health
- the environment
- the economy.
These impacts result in inequalities across our society.
Who we worked with
All Australian governments have overseen the development of the National Tobacco Strategy 2023–2030.
We also consulted:
- public health experts
- tobacco control experts
- the Australian community, public submissions available on our consultation hub.
We did this by:
- holding targeted stakeholder workshops and roundtable discussions
- engaging with the Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) Advisory Group and the National Best Practice Unit TIS Advisory Group to discuss issues and how to best approach First Nations smoking
- calling for public submissions from 9 July to 17 August
- calling for a second round of public submissions from 10 February to 24 March 2022.
The submissions and consultation report from the first round of consultation activities and the submissions from the second round are available on the Consultation Hub.
Learn more
The mid-point review of the National Tobacco Strategy 2012–2018 helped determine tobacco control priorities to include in the draft National Tobacco Strategy 2023–2030.
The review was conducted in 2016 and included:
- A data analysis report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Tobacco indicators: measuring midpoint progress – reporting under the National Tobacco Strategy 2012‑2018
- A policy analysis report by Health Policy Analysis Pty Ltd – Mid-point review of the National Tobacco Strategy 2012‑2018.
Please contact us if you would like more information about the development of the strategy.