National Strategy for Injury Prevention

Injury is a major cause of preventable death and disability. This strategy will help us reduce injury among Australians of all ages.

About the strategy

We’re developing a National Strategy for Injury Prevention. Once finalised, this strategy will put a national focus on preventing injury among Australians.

Using the latest evidence, it will outline the best ways to reduce the rate of injury across age groups. It will have a strong emphasis on those most at risk, such as young children and older Australians.

Why it is important

Injury is a major cause of preventable death and disability in Australia. It is the leading cause of death among people aged 1 to 44 years, putting a lot of pressure on our health care system.

By identifying the most common causes of injury and the best prevention measures, we can help people stay safe. We can prevent most physical injuries, whether intended or accidental.

The strategy will help governments and non-government organisations embed safe practices in programs and policies. This will help increase safety in our environment, the products we use and our communities.

Goals of the strategy

The strategy aims to reduce injury across all age groups in Australia.

Meeting our goals

The strategy will include a set of joint actions for governments, industry and the community. It will guide us on how to work together to increase safety.

It will include priority actions for:

  • injuries that are a high burden on the community
  • groups at high risk of injury
  • injuries with high success rates from prevention measures

Who we work with

Preventing injury and promoting safety is everyone’s responsibility.

To reduce injury, we will need coordinated action across many sectors, including:

  • health
  • environment
  • transport
  • housing
  • urban planning
  • work health and safety
  • social services
  • education
  • policing
  • justice

Learn more

These publications give background and context to the strategy, and highlight issues around injury prevention in Australia:

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare publishes statistics on injuries in Australia.


National Strategy for Injury Prevention contact

Email us for more information about the National Strategy for Injury Prevention.
Date last updated:

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