About the MRFF

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is a research fund set up by the Australian Government in 2015. In December 2023, it grew to $22 billion. The net interest from the fund pays for important health and medical research projects.

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is an ongoing research fund set up by the Australian Government in 2015. Every year, the Government uses some of the net interest from this investment to pay for medical research initiatives. In December 2023, the fund grew to $22 billion.

See our MRFF 3rd 10-year Investment Plan

Use these links to find out more about how the MRFF works.

  • MRFF Strategy and Priorities
    The Government plans funding support according to the MRFF Strategy and Priorities. An independent committee consults the public every 2 years and advises the Government about which research areas are national priorities.
  • MRFF funding process
    Every year, the fund generates money for medical research. MRFF funding principles, Strategy and Priorities guide how the money is spent. Researchers report regularly to us. We report to parliament every 2 years about how we are using the funds.
  • MRFF governance
    Several organisations work together to manage the fund and ensure the money is being spent in the best way. Legislation controls how the money can be used, and the independent Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB) advises on priority areas for spending.
  • MRFF evaluation and monitoring
    We are undertaking activities to evaluate and monitor how well the MRFF is meeting its goals.

Why is the MRFF important?

The MRFF is important because it:

  • allows Australians to benefit from life-changing medical discoveries
  • funds research according to national priorities, filling gaps in areas that need more research
  • helps our researchers develop their ideas in Australia
  • develops Australia's growing biotech industry, creating future jobs and exports
  • builds stronger relationships between researchers, healthcare professionals, governments and the community
  • invests in all research stages — from research ideas, through laboratory research and trials, to the final commercial product.

We direct MRFF funding to 4 overall research themes, focused on patients, researchers, research missions and research translation.

How can I have my say?

General feedback

You can email the MRFF at any time with comments or questions. 

AMRAB consultations

AMRAB consults the public, industry, government and relevant international groups before it develops the MRFF Strategy and Priorities. It updates the Strategy every 5 years and the Priorities every 2 years.

MRFF consultations

See MRFF consultations for more details information on open and previous consultations.


Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) contact

Contact for more information about the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), or to provide feedback on the MRFF website.
General enquiries:
MRFF website or newsletter feedback:

See more MRFF-related contacts

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