MRFF monitoring, evaluation and learning

We are undertaking activities to evaluate and monitor how well the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is meeting its goals.

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Monitoring, evaluation and learning strategy provides an overarching framework for assessing the performance of the MRFF.

Monitoring, evaluation and learning

The MRFF Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Strategy sets out the principles and approach that we use to monitor and evaluate the MRFF. It outlines the need for evaluations to be independent and impartial.

The evaluation strategy aims to be transparent in process and outcomes. It aims to be agile to the needs of the MRFF, its consumers and stakeholders (such as the health and medical research industry).

It also aims to establish a learning system to provide information to support continued improvements within the MRFF, such as future design and implementation of MRFF grant opportunities.

We developed the evaluation strategy in consultation with our stakeholders. To design the evaluation strategy, we used key MRFF legislative and policy documents, including the:

MRFF Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Strategy

This document outlines the framework for assessing the performance of the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). It also aims to establish a learning system to support continued improvements within the MRFF.

We have developed a series of performance indicators to support the implementation of the evaluation strategy. We will use these performance indicators to assess the progress and eventual impact of the MRFF.


Read reports related to MRFF monitoring and evaluation activities: 


The Australian Government announced its plans for a MRFF in 2014. The government intends the fund to provide a stable, ongoing source of research funding. Over time, this research will deliver improvements to the health system and improve patient outcomes.

The Australian Medical Research Advisory Board recommended MRFF evaluation should consider whether projects:

  • lead to better patient outcomes
  • produce beneficial changes to health practices
  • increase efficiency in the health system
  • lead to commercialised health service outcomes
  • increase community support for the outcomes from MRFF funding.
Date last updated:

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