Targeted Health System and Community Organisation Research initiative

Targeted Health System and Community Organisation Research has been consolidated into Preventive and Public Health Research under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan. The activity provides a way to compare the effectiveness of health services and address areas of health care practice with low evidence.

About the initiative

The Targeted Health System and Community Organisation Research initiative supported research comparing the effectiveness of a health service or practice with low or insubstantial evidence – this research activity continues as part of the Preventive and Public Health Research initiative.

Why it is important

Sometimes there is not much evidence to support the use of common medical procedures. It can be hard for doctors to know exactly how effective these procedures are. That can affect:

  • doctors’ decisions about what to do
  • the Government’s decisions about what to fund
  • patients’ quality of life.

These evidence gaps can make it more difficult to provide the best health care for individuals.


The purpose of this research funding was to:

  • improve health outcomes for patients
  • promote the use of evidence-based treatments
  • support evidence-based research to inform healthcare policy decisions
  • address areas of healthcare practice that don’t have much evidence behind them
  • support research that improves clinical practice and health outcomes important to the public.

Who we work with

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) continues to fund this activity through the Preventive and Public Health Research initiative.  

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) manages the grants process.


This initiative has been consolidated into the Preventive and Public Health Research initiative under the MRFF 10-year plan.


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