International Clinical Trial Collaboration (ICTC) initiative

The International Clinical Trial Collaboration (ICTC) initiative has been consolidated into the Clinical Trials Activity initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan. ICTC supported Australian researchers to conduct clinical trial research in collaboration with international researchers.

About the initiative

This program supported Australian research teams to lead or participate in international investigator-initiated clinical trials through the establishment and co-ordination of clinical trial sites in Australia. Researchers, not pharmaceutical companies, run this type of trial. This research activity continues as part of the Clinical Trials Activity initiative.

Why it is important

Clinical trials test if new medical treatments are safe and effective. They allow Australian patients to access innovative treatments as part of the trial.   

Outcomes from clinical trials are critical to enable health practitioners and Government to decide whether to provide the treatment as part of standard care.


The goals were to:

  • increase Australian leadership of, or participation in, this type of clinical trial
  • deliver high-quality evidence to help Government and doctors decide which treatments, drugs and devices will improve patient outcomes 
  • increase opportunities for patients to access new treatments
  • improve the capacity of Australia’s clinical trial workforce.

Who we work with

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) continues to fund this initiative though the Clinical Trials Activity initiative.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) managed the grant applications.


This initiative has been consolidated into the Clinical Trials Activity initiative under the MRFF 10-year plan.


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