Moving Prescribed List applications to the Health Products Portal (HPP)

We are changing the online application system from the Prescribed List Management System to the Health Products Portal. Learn about this change, including key dates.

What this change is about

Using the Health Products Portal (HPP) to manage applications for the Prescribed List will:

  • increase functionality
  • help implement policy reforms
  • streamline processing
  • update technology.

How we will achieve this

The HPP is a secure system that aims to simplify how sponsors submit and track applications as well as supports the health technology assessment workflows by both internal and external assessors.

To allow us to move to the HPP, we bypassed the March 2024 Prescribed List update.


Sponsors can now use the HPP to apply to list products on the Prescribed List.

Past activities

11 September 2023Applications open on the HPP
14 May to 10 September 2023Sponsors cannot submit Prescribed List applications
14 May 2023Closed the Prostheses List Management System
6 March to 6 April 2023Public beta testing for applications on the HPP
24 and 31 January 2023Information webinar to talk through the reform changes
15 December 2022Notification email sent to stakeholders and PHI circular on bypassing the March 2024 Prescribed List update
Date last updated:

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