Payments for the Midwife Professional Indemnity Run-Off Cover Scheme (MPIROCS)

Midwives pay a levy as part of their indemnity insurance premiums when they are working, to help fund the MPIROCS. Insurers cannot charge a fee for providing MPIROCS cover when the midwives have stopped working.

How to get MPIROCS cover

If a midwife has not received a notice of MPIROCS cover but they think they are eligible, they should contact Medical Insurance Australia (MIGA).

Paying for MPIROCS cover

MIGA cannot charge midwives for providing MPIROCS cover.

Extra run-off cover

If the midwife’s last cover is not adequate, they can buy extra run-off cover. This will not be MPIROCS cover:

  • The midwife will need to pay premiums for the extra cover.
  • The Australian Government will not pay for the cost of claims under the extra cover.

How the MPIROCS is funded

The Australian Government charges a levy on indemnity insurance premiums to meet the ongoing costs of the MPIROCS.

All midwives pay the levy as part of their premiums while they are in private practice.

MPIROCS support payment

The current rate of the MPIROCS support payment is 5% of the premium.

Viewing the MPIROCS component in premiums

Premium invoices must show the MPIROCS support payment the midwife has paid as part of their premiums.

Finding the total contributions to the MPIROCS

Midwives can request the annual total of the MPIROCS support payments they have paid by contacting Services Australia.

Services Australia records the payments as run-off cover credits. These amounts attract interest every year, which helps to cover the costs of the MPIROCS.

Midwives will receive a refund of their contributions if the MPIROCS ends.

Date last updated:

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