About the review
High joint revision rates led to concerns that MBP have inferior safety and clinical effectiveness compared with APP. Data from the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry supported the need for this review.
The review process
We conducted an internal review, which considered sponsor submissions, clinical evidence and expert advice regarding:
- the clinical effectiveness of MBP compared to APP
- if there were specific patient groups where MBP would be preferred over APP.
Result of the review
The internal review found that there was insufficient evidence to support a higher benefit amount for MBP as they do not have superior outcomes and are not better for any specific patient groups.
The Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee considered the internal review’s findings and recommended that the PL benefits of MBP be the same as those for APP.
The outcome of the post-listing review was to reduce the PL benefits of MBP, so they are the same as the PL benefits of APP.
The PL benefit reduction was effective from 1 March 2023.
Read the our report.
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