Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Diseases Program

This program helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have chronic conditions to access health care. It does this by covering some costs – like travel and accommodation – for health professionals who provide the outreach services.

About the program

Many people who live in rural, remote and some urban areas depend on outreach health services.

The health professionals who provide these services come from other areas. Providing outreach services costs them money for things like travel, meals, accommodation, backfilling, administration and training.

The Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Diseases Program covers some of those costs for those who support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic conditions.

It supports medical specialists, general practitioners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers, allied health workers and other health professionals.

It also supports:

  • multidisciplinary teams
  • coordinating and administration of these teams
  • cultural awareness and cultural safety training
  • upskilling
  • professional support associated with outreach services.

This ensures Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic conditions can access the culturally appropriate health care they need, wherever they live.  

This program works alongside the Rural Health Outreach Fund and is funded under the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme.

Why it is important

Chronic conditions account for 70% of the total health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous Australians.

Almost half of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live with at least one chronic condition. People who have one or more chronic conditions have complex health needs. This program helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to access health services and manage their conditions.


This program’s goal is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have a chronic condition to access culturally appropriate health care to treat and manage it, regardless of where they live.

Who we work with

We fund one organisation for each state and the Northern Territory to plan, manage and deliver services that suit the individual needs of each region.

Learn more


To find out more, contact the organisation in your state or territory:

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