About the program
Read about how the program works, who the program is for, who can provide home care services, and how packages are allocated.
Funding for providers
You claim from a subsidy for each care recipient. Find out how these are calculated and when supplements apply.
Fees you can charge
You can ask care recipients to pay fees if they can afford to. Find out about the fees that may apply and how much you can charge.
Your responsibilities
You are required to meet quality standards, provide consumer-directed care, and be transparent about pricing.
Support at Home provider pricing survey now open
The Support at Home pricing survey was recently sent to in-home aged care providers. We want to hear from you to better understand the prices you are intending to charge under the Support at Home program in 2025-26.
Completed surveys should be returned by 26 February 2025. If you are yet to receive the survey please contact SAH.Pricing.Survey@Health.gov.au
Support at Home Program Provider Transition Guide now available
Providers of the Home Care Packages Program and Short-Term Restorative Care can now access a guide to help them transition to Support at Home.
Support at Home and new Aged Care Act Transition Support 2024-25 Grant Opportunity (GO7421) now open
This grant will provide one-off funding of $10,000 (excl GST) towards the cost of upgrading IT systems to meet new obligations from 1 July 2025 under Support at Home and the new Aged Care Act.
Apply online via GrantConnect before 2pm (AEDT) 25 February 2025.
Home Care Packages Program operational manual
This manual helps approved providers of Home Care Packages to understand their responsibilities. It provides information about fees and charges, care planning, package inclusions and exclusions, package budgets, reporting and responding to special needs.
My Aged Care
If you need some help around the house or think it’s time to look into aged care homes, My Aged Care is here to help.
Visit the My Aged Care website to find information about how to access aged care services.
You can apply for an assessment online and search for local aged care providers that meet your needs.
You can also call 1800 200 422 Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, and Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm.