This scheme was previously known as the Five Year Overseas Trained Doctors Scheme.
About the initiative
The scheme offers incentives to International Medical Graduates (IMG) and foreign graduates of an accredited medical school (FGAMS) who are subject to the section 19AB of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (the Act) and required to work in areas of greatest need. Incentives include:
- provides them valuable general practice experience in a rural setting
- reduces the time they must work in a Distribution Priority Area (DPA) under their 10-year moratorium.
Why it is important
IMGs and FGAMS play an important role in helping to meet the healthcare needs of Australians, especially in rural and remote areas.
The program's goals are to:
- increase the supply of appropriately qualified IMGs and FGAMS in rural and remote Australia
- enhance the professional development, skills and knowledge of IMGs and FGAMS in Australia
- maintain the number of general practitioners in rural and remote communities.
Meeting our goals
The scheme provides incentives to IMGs and FGAMS to work in locations that:
- are in an area classified as rural or remote
- are considered a DPA.
To be eligible for the scheme, IMGs and FGAMS must either:
- have recognised general practice training and qualifications
- enrol in general practice specialty training and achieve Fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and/or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
You must also:
- hold or obtain appropriate registration with the Medical Board of Australia
- hold or intend to gain permanent Australian residency or Australian citizenship
- provide at least 7 sessions a week in general practice as part of their placement.
The Five Year International Medical Graduates Recruitment Scheme Guidelines outlines the roles and responsibilities for scheme participants and administrators.
All decisions relating to the scheme must comply with these guidelines.
Five Year International Medical Graduate (IMG) Recruitment Scheme Guidelines – Feb 2023
Who we work with
Rural Workforce Agencies manage the scheme.
If you are an overseas trained doctor interested in participating in the scheme, contact the relevant RWA for more information.