Electrocardiogram (ECG) post-implementation review

Learn about how the Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Advisory Committee (MRAC) is reviewing the 1 August 2020 changes to ECG MBS items.

About the review

The MRAC is conducting a post-implementation review of 1 August 2020 changes to ECG MBS items to determine whether they achieved their intended outcomes.

The review is considering whether the 1 August 2020 changes to ECG MBS items achieved their intended outcomes. These changes were recommended by the MBS Review Taskforce and sought to promote high value care and address inadvertent misuse of MBS items. 

Read more about the August 2020 changes to ECG MBS items.

The former Minister for Health referred this post-implementation review to the MRAC in early 2022. 

A working group was established to lead this review and report back to the full committee on its findings.

Who we work with

The Electrocardiogram (ECG) working group members lead this review and report back to the full committee on its findings.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) working group members

MemberArea of specialty or expertise
Adjunct Associate Professor Chris Helms (Chair)Nurse Practitioner
Professor John AthertonCardiology
Professor Derek ChewInterventional Cardiology
Professor Sue KurrleGeriatrician
Ms Alison MarcusConsumer Representative
Associate Professor Elizabeth MarlesGeneral Practice / Indigenous Health and Health Policy
Dr Sue MaselRural General Practice
Dr Clare SkinnerEmergency Medicine
Departmental Medical Adviser 
Associate Professor Andrew SingerPrincipal Medical Adviser, Department of Health

Why the review is important

When changes are made to MBS items, a review is undertaken approximately 24 months after to analyse and examine the performance of the changes. This is called a post-implementation review. 

Post-implementation reviews provide an opportunity to assess whether the item changes are achieving their intended outcomes and to identify any impacts to patient access and health outcomes.


Feedback received through a targeted consultation process was considered by the ECG Working Group at its April meeting and informed the development of a Draft Report. 

The MRAC endorsed the ECG Post-implementation Review Draft Report at its May 2024 meeting for a public consultation process to commence, via the Department of Health and Aged Care Consultation Hub. Public consultation opened on 13 June 2024 and closes on 25 July 2024.

A final report will then be presented for consideration by the MRAC in late 2024.

Activities to date

June 2024A 6-week consultation process for the draft report commenced.
February 2024A 4-week targeted consultation on the ECG post-implementation review. 
January 2024The MRAC endorsed the working group draft findings report for a targeted consultation process 
September 2023The working group held its second meeting.
July 2023The working group held its first meeting.
April 2023The working group was established to undertake the review.
December 2022The MRAC agreed to establish a working group to lead the review.


MBS Continuous Review contact

Contact us with questions about the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Continuous Review.
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