COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme

The Australian Government has implemented a claims scheme to enable eligible claimants who have received a TGA-approved COVID-19 vaccine to obtain compensation for recognised moderate to severe vaccine-related adverse events.

Updates to the scheme

Following the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) update published on 13 December 2023, the Australian Government has made the decision to extend the closing date of the Scheme until 30 September 2024. Claims for compensation under the Scheme may continue to be lodged until 30 September 2024.

The scheme has now closed. 

About the scheme

We have implemented a claims scheme for people who suffer a moderate to severe impact following an adverse reaction to a TGA-approved COVID-19 vaccine.

We have done this to provide a simple, streamlined process to compensate eligible people, without the need for complex legal proceedings.

For full details about the scheme, including the policy document, see our collection of COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme resources.

Policy and other resources

This collection contains the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme policy, as well as other supporting documents related to the scheme.

See the resources

What the scheme covers

The scheme covers losses or expenses of $1,000 and above due to administration of a TGA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, or due to an adverse event that is recognised to be caused by a COVID-19 vaccination.

See Services Australia for more information about making a claim under the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme, including:

Our COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme policy contains full details of requirements.

How to claim

See Services Australia for details on how to claim.

Vaccines and safety

There are 4 COVID-19 vaccines currently in use in Australia:

Like all medicines, vaccines can have side effects (also known as adverse events). Almost all of these are mild and resolve within a few days.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) closely monitors vaccine safety. It often finds that adverse events or suspected side effects are not caused by the vaccine itself. 

In rare cases, some people may suffer a severe impact after a COVID-19 vaccine.

Other support

There are a range of physical, mental and financial support services available to Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Financial support

You may be eligible for financial help through Services Australia. To find out more, you can:

Mental health support

The COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult time for most people.

If you are feeling anxious, stressed and worried, there are many services that can help you find mental health support.

Head to Health can also help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations.

See our list of mental health contacts for how to get in touch with services and hotlines operated by organisations and governments across Australia.

Date last updated:

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