BreastScreen Australia Program

BreastScreen Australia is a joint initiative of the Australian and state and territory governments and aims to reduce illness and death from breast cancer by detecting the disease early. Women over 40 can have a free mammogram every 2 years and we actively invite women aged 50 to 74 to screen.

Make an appointment

Find out where you can get a breast screen.

Learn about the program

Discover why it's important to have regular breast screens.

Find out if you're eligible

Check to see if you fit the criteria to receive a free breast cancer screen.

Discover how breast screening works

Learn what to expect when having a breast screening mammogram.

National Policy and Funding Review

Find out how we are reviewing the BreastScreen Australia Program to consider new evidence, support consistency in service delivery, and increase program participation across Australia.

Learn more

BreastScreen Australia Program contact

13 20 50

Contact your state or territory BreastScreen Australia service to book an appointment, update your contact details or to find out more information about screening for breast cancer. The phone service will connect you to your nearest service for the cost of a local call.

For program providers

BreastScreen Australia accreditation

Understand what is involved in becoming an accredited provider of BreastScreen Australia services. Find all the forms and other documents you will need.

Managing participants with special conditions

Find out how to manage participants with special conditions, such as nipple saving mastectomies and atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH).

Public resources


BreastScreen Australia – Illustrated video – Explainer

If you’re a woman over 40, did you know you can get a free breast screen no matter where you live? Find out more about the breast screening process in this animated explainer for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

Health sector resources

BreastScreen Australia Data Dictionary

This data dictionary contains definitions used by the BreastScreen Australia Program so that data collected for monitoring, evaluating and accrediting services is consistent across Australia.

National Quality Management Committee Strategic Data Plan

This Strategic Data Plan has been developed for BreastScreen Australia (BSA) by the National Quality Management Committee (NQMC). The SDP will support both the NQMC’s traditional role in accreditation decision-making and its new role in national quality improvement.
Date last updated:

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