Make an appointment
Find out where you can get a breast screen.
Learn about the program
Discover why it's important to have regular breast screens.
Find out if you're eligible
Check to see if you fit the criteria to receive a free breast cancer screen.
Discover how breast screening works
Learn what to expect when having a breast screening mammogram.
National Policy and Funding Review
Find out how we are reviewing the BreastScreen Australia Program to consider new evidence, support consistency in service delivery, and increase program participation across Australia.
BreastScreen Australia Program contact
For program providers
BreastScreen Australia accreditation
Understand what is involved in becoming an accredited provider of BreastScreen Australia services. Find all the forms and other documents you will need.
Managing participants with special conditions
Find out how to manage participants with special conditions, such as nipple saving mastectomies and atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH).