Bonded Medical Program

The Bonded Medical Program helps address the shortage of medical professionals in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia. It provides a Commonwealth Supported Place in a medical course in exchange for participants working in those areas after they graduate.

About the program

Learn about how the Bonded Medical Program works.

Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme

Information for the participants of the now closed scheme.

Bonded Medical Places Scheme

Information for the participants of the now closed scheme.

Bonded Return of Service System (BRoSS) – User guides and manuals

Our video guides and user manual helps participants access and use the BRoSS system. Find step by step instructions, common issues, and useful information.

Find out more

Latest resources

BRoSS Participant User Guide

This user guide supports users of the Bonded Return of Service System (BRoSS), through every stage of the Program.

Bonded Medical Program – Opt in request form

Participants in the Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship (MRBS) Scheme and Bonded Medical Places (BMP) Scheme can use this form to let us know they are interested in opting in to the Bonded Medical Program.

Bonded medical schemes – Example statutory declaration

This document shows an example of a completed Commonwealth statutory declaration form. Participants in our bonded medical schemes can use this example to help them fill in a statutory declaration about their return of service obligations.
Date last updated:

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