Aged care reforms and reviews

We are making changes to aged care. Our vision is to deliver the highest quality person-centred care for older people, where and when they need it.

Aged Care Taskforce response

Read about the government’s response to the review into aged care funding.

Support at Home program

Understand the final design of the Support at Home program. 

New Aged Care Act

Understand how the Aged Care Bill will become law and how you can contribute.

About the reforms

Find out more about the reforms and what they will achieve.

Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

Find out more about the final report and its 148 recommendations to reform aged care.

My Aged Care

If you need some help around the house or think it’s time to look into aged care homes, My Aged Care is here to help.

Visit the My Aged Care website to find information about how to access aged care services.

You can apply for an assessment online and search for local aged care providers that meet your needs.

You can also call 1800 200 422 Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, and Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm.

My Aged Care

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Transforming Aged Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

This is the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner Andrea Kelly’s report to Government. The report outlines key findings and recommendations based on feedback received from older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their families and communities, service providers and peak bodies.

Reform readiness for NATSIFAC providers – Webinar

This webinar will give National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care (NATSIFAC) providers an overview of upcoming changes to the NATSIFAC program. Topics will include new worker screening requirements, the single assessment system and what the new Act means for providers.
Date last updated:

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