Aged Care Diversity Framework initiative

This framework sets out how our aged care system can meet the diverse needs of all older Australians. It includes action plans for government, aged care providers and consumers. It also provides resources to help providers meet the goals of the framework.

About the framework

The diversity framework works to embed diversity in the design and delivery of aged care services. It:

  • takes a comprehensive approach based on the recognition of human rights
  • supports aged care service providers to improve care
  • encourages consumers to be partners in the design of aged care services
  • recognises that like our wider community, older people have diverse characteristics and life experiences and may need different approaches with the aged care services they receive.

The framework aims to make sure our aged care services are safe and respectful of people’s diverse backgrounds and life experiences.  

Aged Care Diversity Framework

This framework was launched in December 2017. It sets out the actions we can take to make sure aged care services meet the needs of people from diverse backgrounds. It sees a role for the Australian Government, peak organisations, representative groups, service providers, consumers and carers.

Why it is important

Australia is a diverse country. As the population ages, it’s important that everyone has fair and equal access to aged care.

The framework recognises that to have quality care in our aged care system, we must:

  • respect the dignity and human rights of every person
  • tailor care to meet an individual’s diverse needs.


The framework aims to:

  • make sure everyone considers diversity when designing and providing aged care
  • identify and address perceived or actual barriers that prevent people from getting the care they need
  • support governments, representative groups and aged care providers to remove the barriers
  • support older people and carers to take an active role in improving aged care.

The Diversity Framework complements the Aged Care Quality Standards.

The Australian Government will assess the effectiveness of the framework every 3 years to see how well it is meeting its goals.

Meeting our goals

Action plans have been developed under the framework to help meet these goals.

The plans suggest actions that providers and older people can take to remove the barriers faced by older:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
  • lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, and intersex (LGBTI) people.

An action plan for older people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness is under way.

Other plans under the framework are the:

  • government action plan
  • shared action plan for providers to support all diverse older people.

Aged Care Diversity Framework action plans

This collection includes action plans to address the needs of older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, senior Australians from CALD backgrounds and LGBTI elders. It also includes a government action plan and a shared action plan which outlines actions to support all diverse groups.

Who we work with

The diversity sub-group of the Aged Care Sector Committee developed the framework and action plans.

The diversity sub-group consulted with:

  • older Australians
  • the general public
  • providers
  • peak bodies
  • the aged care sector.

It has now concluded and has been superseded by the Aged Care Diversity Consultative Committee.

Supporting tools and resources

Relevant laws

The framework supports the laws that protect the rights of people from diverse backgrounds:

Complementary frameworks

The framework supports strategies and other frameworks that focus on the needs of people from diverse backgrounds.


Ageing and diversity contact

Email us if you have questions about diversity in ageing, Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC), the Aged Care Diversity Framework or the Specialisation Verification Framework.
Date last updated:

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