Receiving an assessment referral, conducting triage and scheduling the assessment
The team leader manages assessment referrals in the assessor portal.
If you’re a team leader, you can accept or reject referrals. As a team leader, before assigning the assessment referral to your assessor you should undertake triage with the client (or representative) and/or the nominated contact within 2 weeks.
Completing these triage questions with the client confirms the information in their client record. This helps your organisation and the client to prepare for the assessment.
For more on conducting triage, read sections 5 to 5.2.2 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Once you have conducted triage and scheduled the assessment, you can then assign, unassign and reassign referrals to individual assessors. To find out how, see:
- Managing Referrals for Assessment and Support Plan Reviews (RAS)
- Managing Referrals for Assessment and Support Plan Reviews (ACAT).
For more on managing and accepting referrals, read sections 4.2 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Conduct the assessment
If your team leader has assigned a referral to you in the assessor portal, you can view the client’s record. This includes their action plan and preferences for care. To find out how, see:
If needed, you can also register a referral yourself in the assessor portal:
- Registering Clients and Facilitating Referrals for Assessment (RAS)
- Registering and Self-Referring Clients (ACAT).
You must use the Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) to conduct the assessment.
You can do this in the assessor portal. If you use a paper copy, you must enter the details into the assessor portal later. Find out what you need to consider and record in the IAT user guide.
For how to complete assessments in the assessor portal, read:
For more on conducting assessments, read section 5.5 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Create the support plan
To create the support plan:
- follow the Support Plan section of the IAT user guide
- refer to section 5.7 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
For how to enter support plans in the assessor portal, read:
- Completing a Support Plan and Support Plan Review (RAS)
- Completing a Support Plan and Support Plan Review (ACAT).
For more on creating support plans, read section 5.7 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Finalise the assessment
After the assessment, quality check the information you have gathered and your recommendations. Make sure they are complete, accurate and consistent. If needed and the client agrees, contact the client’s GP for more information.
For more on finalising assessments, read section 5.12 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Review and approve recommendation (ACAT only)
If you’re an ACAT delegate, you must:
- review and approve the recommendations that ACAT assessors make
- record your reasons for the decision.
For how to do this in the assessor portal, see Delegate Processes (ACAT).
For more on delegate responsibilities and the approval process, read part D of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Action the assessment outcome
If a client is eligible and agrees to it, you can issue referrals for:
- the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
- residential care
- flexible care.
You can only issue referrals for Home Care Packages after a client has been assigned a package. Find out how to issue referrals in the assessor portal:
If needed, provide short-term reablement support (RAS only) and linking support to vulnerable clients.
You must also provide the outcome of the assessment to the client. This can include a:
- support plan
- delegate decision letter (if applicable)
- Application for Care Form (if applicable)
- referral code letter (if applicable).
Follow up with clients if needed to make sure they’re receiving the services they need. Follow-ups are helpful for vulnerable clients who may find the process more difficult.
For more on referrals and follow-ups, read section 5.8 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Review the support plan
When you conduct an assessment, you can set a review date for the support plan. Clients and aged care service providers can also request a review at any time.
You can conduct reviews over the phone. Find out how to complete reviews in the assessor portal:
- Completing a Support Plan and Support Plan Review (RAS)
- Completing a Support Plan and Support Plan Review (ACAT).
For more on reviewing support plans, read section 5.13 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.
Get support
Go to guidance for aged care assessors for more resources and support.