World Continence week

Read about World Continence Week on 21 to 27 June 2021. The Continence Foundation of Australia is launching BINS4Blokes – and you can get involved.

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General public

World Continence Week will be held Nationally from 21 to 27 June 2021.

Join the call to support more than one million men around Australia who live with incontinence.

The Continence Foundation of Australia is launching BINS4Blokes, which is an Australia-wide awareness campaign promoting the installation of incontinence bins in male public toilets.

Incontinence affects 1 in 10 men in Australia, of all ages. Many male public toilets do not have a disposal bin for men to place their continence products. A lack of options stops men with incontinence from going out to exercise, shop and simply enjoy life.

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