Take on winter

The Australian Government has launched the latest phase of the COVID-19 campaign to encourage Australians to get up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination and receive their flu vaccination this winter.

Date published:
General public

Australians are being encouraged to take on winter by receiving their flu shot and staying up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination. The new ‘Take on winter’ campaign reminds people we are more vulnerable to illnesses this year and it’s safe to have both COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations at the same time.

The campaign will be rolled out across a range of channels, including television, radio, out-of-home, digital and social media. Materials will also be adapted for culturally and linguistically diverse audiences. Bespoke advertising has been developed for First Nations audiences, showcasing how First Nations peoples across the country can experience winter differently.

View the campaign materials.  

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