Reminder: Free vaccinations for students in high school

Students in years 7 (year 8 in South Australia) and 10 can receive free vaccinations at school through the National Immunisation Program. Trained and qualified vaccination teams will visit schools to deliver the vaccines throughout the year.

Date published:
General public

Immunisation remains a core health service during the COVID-19 pandemic with school based vaccination programs running throughout the year in 2021.

Year 7 students (year 8 in South Australia) are offered vaccines to protect them against human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough).

Year 10 students are offered a vaccine to protect them from meningococcal ACWY.

Keep an eye out for consent forms

Schools will distribute a consent form pack to all eligible students.

The child’s parent or guardian must read the information carefully, complete, sign and return the form to the school.  Only students who have a completed consent form will be vaccinated.

As a parent or carer, it’s important to talk to your child about the importance of immunisation. If you need help to start the conversation and get them prepared, watch and share our vaccination videos for high school students. For more information, visit our page about vaccinations for children and adolescents.

If your child misses a vaccination at school, speak to your school health immunisation team about whether the vaccine can be given when the school immunisation team returns.  You can also book an appointment with your GP or other immunisation provider to get a catch-up vaccination. 


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