Over 600 sports available to participate in: strive to be active in 2025

Australian Sports Commission (ASC) Ausplay data identifies that Australians participate in over 600 sports and physical activities nationwide.

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General public

Whether you’re looking for a new sporting activity or continuing one you enjoy, moving your body can improve your health and wellbeing.

The ASC undertakes an annual survey, AusPlay, that identifies how Australians participate in sport. The survey collected data from over 40,000 survey participants involved in 600 different sports and activities across Australia from July 2023 to June 2024. The data is categorised into different demographics including age, gender and type of sport/activity. According to the 2023-2024 AusPlay results, Australians across all demographics in the adult population prefer to participate in less organised activities, such as:

  • walking (recreational) –10 million participants
  • fitness/gym – 6 million participants
  • bush walking – 3 million participants.

Participating in less organised sports allows individuals to have flexibility around schedules, personal preference in training style or to choose a cost-friendly option.

Your Sporting Summer 

But there are also many unique benefits from participating in organised group activities including:

  • social connection – meet new people and reconnect with friends
  • develop leadership skills
  • a sense of belonging to a community.

Why not make the most of the warmer months and get involved in sports to make this summer your sporting summer. Everyone has a place in sport – find a local club near you to contribute as a player, coach, official or volunteer. 

National Sport Strategy 

With over 600 sports being played across the country, sport is a huge part of Australian culture from grassroots to high performance level.

The Australian Government’s new National Sport Strategy 2024-2034 - Sport Horizon, sets the priorities for sport in Australia over the next decade. It provides a framework to build healthy, active, connected communities and a thriving sport system. 

Sport Horizon will ensure more people play and enjoy sport in a safe and welcoming environment. It will create world-leading pathways for our most talented people, and better support weekend warriors and the volunteers who turn local events into celebrations.” - Minister for Sport, The Hon Anika Wells MP. 

It’s never too late to start your journey in sport. With over 600 sports available, there are many opportunities to find one that you enjoy.


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