New reports to help strengthen Medicare

The findings of 3 strengthening Medicare reviews are now available. The reviews looked at some of the structures and systems that underpin Medicare, general practice and primary care.

Date published:
General public

Read the findings for the:

  • Review of General Practice Incentives, which made recommendations to ensure funding systems are effective and support patient-centred and multidisciplinary care.
  • Review of After Hours Primary Care Programs and Policy, which identified 5 opportunities for improvement, including:
    • making after-hours care more accessible and affordable for patients
    • improving quality and safety
    • better integrating after-hours care into our urgent care system to reduce pressure on emergency departments
    • ensuring the financial viability of after-hours primary care providers
    • supporting after-hours primary care in regional, rural and remote areas.
  • Working Better for Medicare Review, which made 26 recommendations, including proposing changes to workforce distribution levers.

For more information, see the Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler's media release.

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