With holidays just around the corner, a lot of us will be travelling and visiting family and friends. While enjoying the holiday season, it is important you continue to stay COVIDSafe.
Don’t forget to:
- check in when entering a venue
- keep your hands clean
- stay 2 big steps away from people whenever you can
- consider having your catchups in outdoor areas with lots of air flow
- Feeling unwell? Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are mild.
Get a COVID-19 test!
If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 – like a fever, headache, sore throat, or runny nose, go get tested straight away. Then stay home until you get your result.
Protect yourself and your family
The best way you can protect yourself and your family against COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. This will help protect you from getting very sick from the virus. It can also decrease the chance you will spread it to the people around you.
If you haven’t had your COVID-19 vaccine yet, and you’re still not sure whether you will, speak to your family and friends and ask them why they had their vaccine.
Don’t wait for 2022, or for COVID-19 to come to your community – get vaccinated today!