Exploring careers in mental health – Webinar, 17 July 2023

We invite you to join our ‘lunch and learn’ webinar to find out more information about a fulfilling career in mental health.

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General public

We are hosting a ‘lunch and learn’ webinar on Monday 17 July 2023 from 11 am –12 pm.

Hear from our guest speakers who are experienced mental health workers across Australia. You will get to learn about study pathways and careers options into a diverse and dynamic career in mental health.

Whether you’re a:

  • student
  • graduate
  • jobseeker
  • educator
  • parent
  • or curious about a career in mental health.

You can join us on Tuesday to gain real life insights into the world of mental health.

Register for the webinar

Find more information and resources on careers in mental health.

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