Expansion of the National Sign Language Program (NSLP)

From 1 July 2024, the NSLP will include sign language interpreting and captioning services for health and medical appointments.

Date published:
General public

This change to the NSLP is in addition to the support it already provides Deaf older people to engage with aged care services, as well as other professional and social settings. For example, banking and attending weddings, funerals, clubs and cultural activities.

The expanded program will remain free of charge, with services delivered by Deaf Connect. 

The Continuity of Support for the National Auslan Interpreting Booking and Payment Service program (CoS for NABS) will end on 30 June 2024. All services will be provided through the NSLP for people over 65 who are not eligible for the NDIS.

Find out more about the NSLP and the transfer of CoS for NABS.

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