Diabetes and COVID-19

People with chronic health conditions or weakened immune systems are at greater risk of getting seriously sick from COVID-19. This includes people living with diabetes, like Nevaeh (pictured).

Date published:
General public

Diabetes Australia is encouraging everyone with diabetes aged 5 and over to get vaccinated against COVID-19. They also encourage everyone with diabetes aged 16 years and over to get a booster dose as soon as they can.

Here are 3 tips from Diabetes Australia to help people with diabetes stay well:

  1. Be prepared. People with diabetes can face other health challenges, so it’s important to do what you can to be prepared. This can include getting the COVID-19 and flu vaccines, having a sick day management plan in place, and doing your best to manage your blood glucose levels.
  2. Be connected. You might be isolating at home, but it’s still important to keep up with your routine diabetes care arrangements. Now more than ever, it’s important to be connected to your diabetes healthcare team.
  3. Be healthy. Spending more time at home doesn’t mean we should not be getting regular exercise and eating well. These habits will not only help you manage your mental health but will also help manage your blood glucose levels.

Making sure that your diabetes is well-managed, plus keeping up to date with your COVID-19 vaccination, are great ways that you can protect yourself from getting very sick if you get COVID-19. If you’re worried about your diabetes, make an appointment to speak to your diabetes healthcare team today.

For more information about diabetes and COVID-19, visit the Diabetes Australia website.  

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