Work is underway for the next National Oral Health Plan 2025-2034. The department is collaborating with HealthConsult to consult representatives from different organisations to give input in the next NOHP. The consultations include a series of workshops and targeted interviews with these stakeholders.
In December 2024, oral health sector representatives attended a two-day co-design workshop in Canberra to:
- assess the state of oral health in Australia
- take stock of the achievements of the existing National Oral Health Plan (2015–2024)
- identify gaps of the existing plan
- recognise trends and innovations in oral health care
- envision the future state of oral health in Australia
- and agree on the purpose of the next plan.
Representatives from the following stakeholders attended the workshop:
- state and territory health departments
- government regulatory and accreditation agencies
- peak bodies for general dentistry and oral health practitioners (dentists, dental hygienists, dental therapists and oral health therapists)
- dental and oral health education, training and research schools
- consumer advocacy groups
- special needs dentistry organisations
- general practice
- dental manufacturing industry.
Read the summary paper from the consultations.
The department will organise the next workshop in March 2025, and publish a public online survey soon after.
If you or your organisation would like to share your thoughts on the next National Oral Health Plan, send an email to