COVID-19 vaccine rollout: Primary care participation in Phase 1b–call for expressions of interest from General Practices

Accredited general practices are invited to express their interest in participating in Phase 1b of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program.

Date published:
Health sector

Providing access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines to everyone living in Australia seeking to be vaccinated is a key priority of the Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.

General practices are a critical partner in achieving this goal by providing comprehensive immunisation coverage for their local populations.

All accredited general practices are invited to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to participate in Phase 1b of the national roll-out strategy, planned to commence in March 2021.

This EOI is intended to identify individual general practices capable of participating in Phase 1b of the roll-out to commence from March 2021. An EOI should be completed for each individual practice location.

General practices who do not participate in this phase can still be involved in later phases of the vaccine roll-out. All general practices who meet requirements will have the opportunity to participate in the vaccine roll-out as more vaccines become available.

General Practitioner led Respiratory Clinics and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services do not need to apply through this EOI and will be supported to participate through a separate process.

 Responses to the EOI should be submitted online via the EOI response form

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found in the collection of supporting documents relating to the EOI.

The EOI portal will:

  • Open at 09:00 AEDT on 23 January 2021
  • The close date has been extended to 23:59 AWST on 3 February 2021.

Respondents will receive a confirmation of EOI submission and will be notified of the outcome of their application as soon as possible.

More information

Read the collection of documents for the EOI for ­primary care participation in Phase 1b of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.

Help us improve

If you would like a response please use the enquiries form instead.