Preventive health is a key part of Australia’s Long Term National Health Plan alongside mental health. We have developed a draft 10-year National Preventive Health Strategy.
The Strategy aims to see Australians live an additional 2 years of life in good health by 2030. This includes people in low socioeconomic groups and in regional and remote areas.
The Strategy will guide the long-term approach to prevention in Australia. It aims to ensure that:
- Australians have the best start in life
- Australians live as long as possible in good health
- target populations have health equity
- investment in preventive health is increased by 5%.
You can now give feedback on the draft Strategy. We value the diverse perspectives, experiences and knowledge of all stakeholders and interested members of the community. Feedback from this consultation will contribute to the development of the final Strategy.
You can provide written submissions online at our Consultation Hub until
19 April 2021.
We expect the Strategy to be finalised in mid-2021.