Commonwealth COVID-19 hotspot to end in the ACT on 18 October 2021

The Australian Government Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, has confirmed the Commonwealth hotspot declaration in the Australian Capital Territory will cease at 11:59 pm on 18 October 2021.

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General public

The Australian Government Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, has confirmed the Commonwealth hotspot declaration in the ACT will cease at 11.59 pm on 18 October 2021.

This follows confirmation that the double-dose COVID-19 vaccination rate in the ACT has today reached 80% for people aged 16 and over.

Under the National Plan agreed to by all First Ministers, the Commonwealth’s hotspot declaration automatically ceases within a particular state or territory once the 80%  fully vaccinated rate has been reached within that jurisdiction, with hotspot-related support to cease two weeks thereafter.

Targeted and specific funding from the Australian Government to support the management of COVID-19 in the ACT will continue to be provided through the National Partnership Agreement on COVID-19 Response with all states and territories.

Under the National Partnership, the Australian Government pays for 50% of costs incurred by hospitals and state public health authorities in managing the impacts of COVID-19 on the health system.  

Professor Kelly congratulated the residents of the ACT for so wholeheartedly embracing the need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and for the contribution this has made to helping our country safely reopen.

The ACT was declared a hotspot for the purpose of receiving Commonwealth support on 12 August 2021.

Learn more about COVID-19 hotspots.

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