A little support can make a big difference this Dementia Action Week

Find out the simple things you can do to help support people living with dementia.

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General public

Dementia describes a collection of symptoms caused by disorders affecting the brain, including Alzheimer’s disease. It is not one specific disease.

Up to 472,000 Australians are living with dementia. While ageing is the biggest risk factor for dementia, it is not a normal part of ageing.

People living with dementia often experience discrimination.

This campaign encourages all Australians to see the person behind the diagnosis. People living with dementia can live active and fulfilling lives many years after diagnosis.

During Dementia Action Week 2021, Dementia Australia is providing simple and practical tips to: 

  • give a little support to a person living with dementia
  • give a little support to a carer, friend or family member of a person living with dementia
  • help healthcare professionals make their practice more dementia-friendly. 

The Australian Government is investing $229.4 million to improve the quality of life and care for people living with dementia, at every stage from diagnosis through to residential aged care.

This support will help people living with dementia to remain in their own home for longer.

Key measures include:

  • training for more than 3,000 personal care workers to become dementia leaders within their organisations and additional training places for 1,000 GPs and GP registrars each year
  • an increase in early support services such as counselling and education to around 30,000 people living with dementia at home so they can remain independent
  • increased availability of respite places.

To find out more about the simple things you can do to help support people living with dementia and their carers, visit the Dementia Australia website.

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