2020 influenza vaccines – it’s not too late to get vaccinated

Influenza can be a very serious disease. It is not too late to get vaccinated to help protect yourself and others. Everyone aged 6 months and over is recommended to get vaccinated every year.

Date published:
General public

It’s not too late to vaccinate and protect yourself and others against influenza.

Influenza can be a very serious disease, and you can get infected at any time of year. It’s important to get vaccinated every year, as the vaccines can change from year to year, when new strains of the virus appear. 

Influenza vaccines are available through the National Immunisation Program from GPs, community health clinics, Aboriginal Medical Services and other immunisation providers in your state or territory.

Influenza vaccines are free under the National Immunisation Program for:

  • children aged 6 months to under 5 years
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 6 months and over
  • people aged 6 months and over with certain medical conditions that increase their chance of severe influenza and its complications
  • pregnant women (at any stage during pregnancy)
  • people aged 65 years and over.

If you are not eligible for a free influenza vaccine, you can still get the vaccine from your GP (with a private prescription), a pharmacy immunisation clinic, or another immunisation provider.

Locate a service in your area.

Influenza vaccination and COVID-19

People might need to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check the most up-to-date advice in your state and local area to find out what restrictions are in place.  

No matter where you live, you should not leave your home to get your influenza vaccine if you:

  • have COVID-19
  • are a suspected case of COVID-19.

Before you head out to get vaccinated:

  • make an appointment with your vaccination provider
  • phone ahead to check that your vaccination provider has the vaccine available. 

If you are required to isolate due to COVID-19, do not leave your home.

Find out more about influenza vaccination:

Find the latest advice and updates about COVID-19 on the:

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