The Turnbull Government will continue to support drug and alcohol treatment services across Australia with funding of more than $75 million a year.
Across Australia, around 150 groups that provide direct drug and alcohol treatment and support services will be given guaranteed funding for another two years until 30 June 2019.
This includes services such as drop-in centres that provide counselling and information, withdrawal management and rehabilitation clinics.
This is in addition to the National Ice Action Strategy Funding of $241.5 million for drug and alcohol treatment currently being rolled out.
The funding further strengthens the Turnbull Government’s efforts to make sure people seeking help are able to access services in their community, provided by a range of organisations and tailored to local needs.
This continued funding for direct treatment services is important to individuals and families struggling with drug and alcohol misuse, and will maintain the availability of treatment for people seeking help.
Under new funding arrangements, more than $42 million per annum (over two years) will be transferred to Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to align with drug and alcohol treatment funding provided through the National Ice Action Strategy.
The remaining funds will be distributed by the Department of Health to large organisations that provide services over multiple PHNs.
PHNs will use the additional funding to continue to fund drug and alcohol treatment services to increase the availability of treatment for people seeking help where, and when they need it.
I am confident that the transition to the new funding arrangements, which will begin on 1 July 2017, will provide more integrated, consistent and sustainable drug and alcohol treatment services into the future.
We will continue to consult with the sector on the implementation of these new arrangements.
For more information about the Government’s Drug and Alcohol Program, visit the Department of Health's website.