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Competitive grants of up to $1 million to turn medical discoveries into clinical reality

Cutting edge researchers and entrepreneurs can receive up to $1 million from the Morrison Government to develop their breakthrough medical devices to improve patient care.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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Cutting edge researchers and entrepreneurs can receive up to $1 million from the Morrison Government to develop their breakthrough medical devices to improve patient care.

The third round of funding from the Government’s $45 million BioMedTech (MBT) Horizons initiative, funded by our landmark Medical Research Future Fund, will open on 15 October.

This round will direct funding to projects in three focus areas:

  • Digitally enabled medical devices in mobile health, health information technology, wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and digitally enabled personalised medicine.
  • Implantable digitally enabled medical devices addressing unmet needs in any therapeutic area.
  • General medical devices in the areas of regenerative medicine, women’s health, cardiovascular, orthopaedics, neuroscience, general surgery and oncology.

The funding will be available through a competitive process. The three focus areas will support development of biomedical and medical technologies in the priority areas, to the proof of concept stage and towards to commercial development.

New medical treatments and technology supported by BMT Horizons funding will result in better health outcomes, and quality of life for Australians and people around the world. In some cases, they will be life changing or even lifesaving.

They will also fuel growth in Australia’s biomedical and medical technology sector. As projects mature and reach commercialisation, they will create jobs and generate domestic and export income.

Successful applicants for the second round of BMT Horizons funding are currently being finalised.

Further details are available at:



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