This content relates to a former minister

$800 bonus to support Australia’s Aged Care workforce

The Australian Government will provide $210 million to support the aged care workforce to continue to care for older Australians during the COVID 19 pandemic.

The Hon Greg Hunt MP
Former Minister for Health and Aged Care

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General public

The Morrison Government will provide $210 million to support the aged care workforce to continue to care for older Australians during the COVID 19 pandemic.

A bonus of up to $800 will be made in two instalments of up to $400 each.

The bonus will be paid to workers providing care and support in Government subsidised home care and to residential aged care workers. The payments will be for clinical care workers and expanded to all those providing direct care, food or cleaning services in Government subsidised residential care.

Minister for Health and Aged Greg Hunt said the payments acknowledged the response of the aged care workforce to the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.

“The Government is providing these bonus payments to aged care workers in recognition of their dedication in continuing to care for our vulnerable older Australians during these difficult times,” Minister Hunt said.

“These workers have been caring for those who have been most at risk through the pandemic and their dedication has been outstanding.”

“These payments will also be an extra bonus for those who recently retired but have responded to the request to return to work during the recent workforce shortages.”

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services, Richard Colbeck, said the Government was committed to providing the best possible quality of care to our vulnerable older Australians.

“Aged Care workers are the backbone of the care and services provided to older Australians, which is why we continue to invest in growing and upskilling the workforce,” Minister Colbeck said.

“They continue to show their dedication and resilience in caring for older Australians during the COVID 19 pandemic, whether it’s through achieving one of the highest workforce vaccination rates in the world or a myriad of other ways.”

“The payments will provide additional encouragement to continue working through the pandemic and will help to attract additional workers into aged care.”

Those workers employed on 28 February 2022 will receive a bonus payment of up to $400, with another instalment of up to $400 made to workers employed on 28 April 2022.

Aged care providers will apply for the payments and will pass on the assessment to employees.

“I encourage providers to make this payment to eligible employees as soon as possible after they have confirmation of the amount of the payment,” Minister Hunt said.

This Aged Care investment by the Morrison Government is the fourth workforce bonus with three payments already made totalling $393 million going to more than 230,000 workers.

The workforce support is in addition to the $18.3 billion commitment made by the Morrison Government in response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, to ensure senior Australians receive the care, respect and dignity they deserve.

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