Netball is an intrinsic part of Australian sport and that is why the Australian Government already provides almost $4m in annual funding to support the Diamonds and participation initiatives.
On the matter of remaining uncontracted funds that had been set aside for Netball Australia, those funds had always been subject to the receipt of a sufficiently robust business case.
A satisfactory proposal has not been received that would enable appropriate use of these taxpayer funds.
The Australian Government remains open to discussion with Netball Australia about future focussed opportunities, noting the 2027 World Cup will be held on Australian soil.
Ultimately the present challenges are a matter for Netball Australia and their commercial partners, including private clubs.
"I'm focused on outcomes for female athletes and quite simply, this money needs to be directed to areas I'm confident positive outcomes will happen.
"Netball is too important for it to not be successful and we will continue funding discussions with a view to ensuring the 2027 World Cup provides the sport its Matildas moment."