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Aged care research centre to draw on world’s best practice

Flinders University has been awarded the contract to develop the first stage of the Australian Government’s new $34 million Aged Care Centre for Growth and Translation Research.

Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck
Former Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services
Former Minister for Sport

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Flinders University has been awarded the contract to develop the first stage of the Australian Government’s new $34 million Aged Care Centre for Growth and Translation Research.

Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians, Senator Richard Colbeck, said the centre, would draw on world best practice and examine new ways to deliver care for senior Australians, and training and education for aged care providers.

Stage 1 will establish the model for the centre and set the research priorities for the first year of operation.

“We expect to see improvements in aged care practice, as well as workforce efficiencies and the use of technology to continue to improve aged care,” Minister Colbeck said.

“It will promote workforce reforms based on evidence from research, provide an incubator to fast-track research into practice, and provide a forum to ensure that innovations can be taken up by the sector.”

The centre is one of the strategic actions from Australia’s Aged Care Workforce Strategy – A Matter of Care.

It will be pivotal in enhancing and fast-tracking the reform required to ensure the delivery of quality aged care services.

Minister Colbeck said the centre’s priorities will be informed by the findings from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and lessons learned through the COVID -19 pandemic.

It comes on top of the 2020-21 Budget allocation of $10.3 million over three years for the Aged Care Industry Council to implement an aged care workforce strategy.

The Council will be a significant partner in guiding the operation of the centre and disseminating its work to the sector.

“Older Australians deserve the best care possible, delivered by a skilled and capable workforce, using best-practice models of care and the latest technologies,” Minister Colbeck said.

Following establishment of the model, a request for tender will be released seeking a consortia to establish and operate the Centre from early 2021. Australian Government funding will continue through to 30 June 2024.


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