Stoma Product Assessment Panel

The Stoma Product Assessment Panel assesses applications to add stoma products to the Stoma Appliance Scheme Schedule. The panel of experts meets twice a year to review applications from suppliers, and give their recommendation.


The Stoma Product Assessment Panel assesses applications from suppliers of stoma-related products who want to add a product to the Stoma Appliance Scheme Schedule.

Suppliers can apply any time, and the panel considers applications twice a year.

The panel considers the product’s:

  • safety
  • clinical efficacy
  • quality
  • ease of use
  • cost effectiveness.

The panel then recommends whether or not to approve the application, as well as:

  • the maximum monthly quantity
  • a price for the product
  • any restrictions for use.

The Australian Government makes the final decisions.

Read more about what the panel considers for each product in our guidelines.


Panel members have broad expertise in reviewing economic and clinical evidence, as well as in clinical practice.

MemberBackground and experience
Mr James Keck (Chair)Colorectal surgeon
Ms Hermoine AgeeAustralian Council of Stoma Associations (ACSA) representative
Mr Chip Farmer Colorectal surgeon
Mr Clyde FossIndustry representative
Mr Francis IpReview of clinical and economic evidence
Ms Julia KittschaStomal Therapy Nurse
Ms Wendy SansomStomal Therapy Nurse
Ms Denise SheardConsumer representative
Dr Mark ThomasReview of clinical and economic evidence


The panel meets twice a year to assess applications. The 2025 meeting dates are:

  • SPAP meeting – 27 May 2025 (closing date for applications is 28 March 2025)
  • SPAP meeting – 28 October 2025 (closing date for applications is 29 August 2025)


Following each meeting, we publish summary documents, including applicant comments and reasons for the panel’s decisions. See the public summary documents for:


Stoma Appliance Scheme and the Stoma Product Assessment Panel contact

Contact us for more information about the Stoma Appliance Scheme or the Stoma Product Assessment Panel, or to apply for the panel to assess one of your products for the Stoma Appliance Scheme Schedule.
Date last updated: