Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN)

The Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN) is Australia’s leading network of public health laboratories that have expertise and provide services in public health microbiology in Australia.


PHLN provides leadership and consultation in all aspects of public health microbiology and communicable disease control. It does this through its proactive network of public health laboratories to protect and improve the health of all Australians.

Terms of reference

The network’s terms of reference document outlines its official terms of reference and strategies to meet them.


PHLN consists of state and territory, Australian government, expert, national and observer members.

See our members page for the list of current members.


PHLN holds regular meetings monthly by teleconference on the last Monday of every month, or as required to support public health responses. It also has an annual face-to-face meeting.


See our PHLN publications page for links to PHLN guidelines and advice.

Related committees or groups

PHLN is a standing committee of the Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC). PHLN works with other AHPC  standing committees such as the Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA), National Health Emergency Management Subcommittee (NHEMS) and Environmental Health Committee (enHealth), as needed.

Members are active on a broad range of committees that require input on public health microbiology, where they offer information and advice on behalf of PHLN.


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