National Health Emergency Management Sub-committee (NHEMS)

The National Health Emergency Management Sub-committee (NHEMS) is a subcommittee of the Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC). It addresses the operational aspects of disaster medicine and health emergency management.


The National Health Emergency Management Sub-committee (NHEMS) is a subcommittee of the Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC). NHEMS addresses the operational aspects of disaster medicine and health emergency management in an all-hazards context. The committee uses the ’prevention, preparedness, response and recovery’ model.

The role of the NHEMS is to:

  • advise and make recommendations to the AHPC on national approaches to health preparedness for natural and man-made disasters
  • undertake specific tasks as requested by AHPC
  • create an opportunity for shared learning across jurisdictions
  • advise and make recommendations to AHPC on the coordination of response to national or international emergencies
  • advise the AHPC on national activities
  • strengthen the capacity and capability of health emergency management
  • contribute to national Australian Medical Assistance Teams (AUSMAT) policy.

NHEMS also performs a coordination function under Australia’s Domestic Health Response Plan for All-Hazards Incidents of National Significance (AUSHEALTHRESPLAN).


NHEMS membership includes health emergency directors from each state and territory. They report to the Chief Health Officer (or equivalent) in their jurisdiction. NHEMS also includes representation from:

  • the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
  • the Australian Government National Emergency Management Agency
  • the Australian Defence Force Joint Health Command
  • the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre
  • the New Zealand Ministry of Health.

NHEMS may invite subject matter experts to its discussions as required.


NHEMS meets quarterly. It also meets when:

  • a national health emergency happens
  • tasked by the AHPC.

Related committees or groups

NHEMS reports to the Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC).


Department of Health and Aged Care National Office

Use these contact details for all general enquiries, comments and concerns.
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