National Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmissible Infections Surveillance Subcommittee

The National Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmissible Infections Surveillance Subcommittee (NBBVSTI SSC) is an expert committee of the Communicable Disease Network Australia (CDNA). It provides expert advice on BBV and STI transmission.


The National Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmissible Infections Surveillance Subcommittee (NBBVSTI SSC) provides expert advice on bloodborne virus (BBV) and sexually transmitted infection (STI) transmission.

The NBBVSTI SSC works to: 


Dr Skye McGregor (Interim Chair)The Kirby Institute
Ms Amy BrightAustralian Government Department of Health
A/Prof Ben CowieDoherty Institute
Ms Jennifer MacLachlanDoherty Institute
Ms Carolien GieleWestern Australia, Department of Health
Mr Byron MinasWestern Australia, Department of Health
Prof Rebecca GuyThe Kirby Institute
Prof John KaldorThe Kirby Institute
Mr Jonathan KingThe Kirby Institute
Prof Margaret HellardBurnet Institute
Prof Mark StooveBurnet Institute
Mr Jason AsselinBurnet Institute
Mr Alvin LeeVictoria, Department of Health
Ms Nasra HigginsVictoria Health, Department of Health
Ms Corinna MinkoVictoria Health, Department of Health
Ms Rachael CraneACT Health
Ms Alexandra MarmorACT Health
Ms Nevada PingaultACT Health
Prof Monica LahraWHO Collaborating Centre for STD
Ms Kerryn Lodo (on leave from committee)Tasmania, CDNA
Mr Jon Moore (proxy for Kerryn Lodo)Tasmania, CDNA
A/Prof Limin MaoCentre for Social Research in Health
Ms Carolyn MurrayNew South Wales Health
Dr Christine Selvey (on leave from committee)New South Wales Health
Mr Steven Nigro (proxy for Christine Selvey)New South Wales Health
Mr Damin SiQueensland
Dr Ximena TolosaQueensland
Dr Jana SisnowskiSouth Australia
Mr Jake DockerAustralian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League
Prof James WardUQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health
Ms Xiaohua ZhangNorthern Territory


The NBBVSTI SSC meet virtually 3 times a year, and face to face at the annual Australasian Sexual Health Conference where possible.

Related committees or groups

The NBBVSTI SSC is an expert committee of the Communicable Disease Network Australia (CDNA) and reports its findings to:

  • the CDNA
  • the BBV and STI Subcommittee (BBVSS) of the Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC)
  • organisations involved in BBV or STI surveillance and control activities
  • organisations responsible for public health policy and health service development associated with BBVs and STIs.


National Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmissible Infections Surveillance Subcommittee secretariat

Contact the secretariat for the National Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmissible Infections Surveillance Subcommittee (NBBVSTI SSC) for further information on the committee or previous meeting minutes and agendas.
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