National Aged Care Advisory Council

The National Aged Care Advisory Council provides advice to government on key matters relating to the aged care sector.


The Australian Government established the National Aged Care Advisory Council in 2021 in response to recommendation 7 of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety final report.

The council provides expert advice to government on key matters relating to the aged care sector. This includes providing advice on:

  • implementation of the aged care reforms
  • improving navigation and delivery of aged care services
  • building the capability of providers and workforce to meet changing requirements under the reforms.

Members include:

  • people accessing aged care services
  • aged care workers
  • providers
  • health and allied health professionals
  • specialists in training and education
  • independent experts.   

We use advice from the council to ensure aged care reforms consider a wide range of perspectives across the aged care sector.

The council reports to the Minister for Health and Aged Care and the Minister for Aged Care.

More information on the advisory council's role is contained in the Terms of Reference.


The members of the National Aged Care Advisory Council have wide ranging expertise and knowledge of the aged care sector.

Although council members are not organisational representatives, they are selected based on their strong connections to sector organisations and relevant expertise.

A refreshed membership was announced for 2025

Professor Sue GordonFormer Research Director, Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (AIIRA)ChairVic
Professor Tanya BuchananCEO, Dementia AustraliaCouncil memberNSW
Ms Anne Burgess AM

Chair, Council of Elders

Chair, Aged Care Transition Taskforce

Council memberSA
Peter Doukas OAMChair, Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA)Council MemberNSW
Mr Craig GearCEO, Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)Council MemberNSW
Dr Sandra IulianoSenior Research Fellow (Nutrition)Council memberVic
Charles MooreCEO, BaptistCareCouncil memberNSW
Associate Professor Mark YatesGeriatrician, Ballarat Health ServicesCouncil memberVic


The National Aged Care Advisory Council meets every 6 weeks.


Related committees and groups

In addition to the National Aged Care Advisory Council, the Australian Government established the Council of Elders as an advisory body to the aged care reforms.

The Council of Elders provides advice from older people to the government about the aged care system and ageing well.

The Chair of the Council of Elders is a member of the Advisory Council.


National Aged Care Advisory Council Contact

Contact us for more information on the National Aged Care Advisory Council.
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