Health Technology Assessment Review Implementation Advisory Group

The Australian Government announced the members of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) on 20 November 2024. The IAG will help guide critical reforms in response to the findings and recommendations of the HTA Review Report which was released in September.

The HTA Implementation Advisory Group is responsible for guiding reforms in response to the findings and recommendations of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Policy and Methods Review.


The HTA Review Reference Committee will adopt a collaborative approach in co-designing and supporting implementation of the Government’s response to the HTA Review. 

The IAG will:

  • be an expert advisory group on reform implementation design
  • provide advice on the prioritisation of recommendations 
  • develop a roadmap for sequencing the Government’s response to the recommendations of the HTA review.


MemberRole on the Implementation Advisory Group
Professor Andrew WilsonChair 
Dr Richard Mitchell Clinical Representative 
Dr Lorraine AndersonClinical/Indigenous Representative 
Ms Nicole MillisPatient Representative
Ms Kirsten PilattiPatient Representative
Ms Elizabeth de SomerIndustry Representative
Ms Anne HarrisIndustry Representative
Prof Emily LancsarHealth Economist/Commonwealth
Duncan McIntyreCommonwealth
TBCJurisdictional representative

Terms of reference

The Chair and Members of the Committee will work to the Terms of reference. The terms of reference provides detail on purpose, deliverables and timeframes.


The  HTA Implementation Advisory Group will meet to discuss and progress findings and recommendations of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Policy and Methods Review.


We will publish meeting summaries as they become available.


Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) Secretariat

The Health Technology Assessment Review Implementation Advisory Group Secretariat provides support to the Implementation Advisory Group. This Group is established to provide advice to the Government on the implementation of recommendations proposed through the Health Technology Assessment Review.
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