The Health Ministers’ Meeting (HMM) provides leadership and facilitates joint decision making on health issues of national importance.
Through the HMM, health ministers:
- consider legal and regulatory health matters covered under national law and provide governance on issues agreed to in national agreements
- oversee work administered by ministerial authorities on behalf of government
- deliver national health improvement strategies outlined in annual work plans
- progress matters as delegated by National Cabinet.
The 2025 HMM priorities are as follows:
- Joint stewardship of whole of system reform: HMM will continue to work together on implementing long-term, system-wide reforms that ensure the broader Australian health system architecture effectively meets the changing needs of all Australians.
- Health workforce reform: HMM will continue to progress pathways to expand and support Australia’s health professional workforce, alleviate shortages and promote sustainability.
- Increase health system performance and integration: HMM will focus on the interface between key internal health systems and ensuring their services are providing high-quality healthcare and meeting the needs and preferences of all Australians.
- Health system sustainability and innovation: HMM will continue to monitor and oversee health system inputs, public health interventions and innovative reforms that promote current and future health system sustainability.
Ministers can also delegate some functions to the Health Chief Executives Forum (HCEF).
The former Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council (CHC)
As recommended by the Conran Review, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and Ministerial Forums were restructured as part of the new National Cabinet. The former COAG Health Council (CHC) is now the HMM.
Find out more about the revised health system architecture.
Information and documents related to CHC meetings and decisions are available from the National Library of Australia's web archive.
Reports and publications
Reports and discussion papers endorsed by health ministers include:
- The National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) sets out shared intention of the Australian Government (AG) and State and Territory (S&T) Governments to work in partnership to improve health outcomes for all Australians and ensure the sustainability of the Australian health system. On 1 July 2020, Schedule J -Addendum to the NHRA (2020-2025), which includes arrangements for the assessment and funding of high cost, highly specialised therapies (HST), took effect.
- In August 2020, the Clinical Principal Committee of the former Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council approved funding to NSW to lead development of a framework to support implementation of the Addendum. Through a series of workshops and consultations with the Australian Government and jurisdictional representatives, the Framework for the assessment, funding and implementation of high cost, highly specialised therapies and services (the Framework) has been developed.
NHRA Mid-term Review Final Report – October 2023
- The National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) between the Commonwealth and all states and territories funds public hospital services and other health activities. In 2021-22, $59.2 billion in Commonwealth, state and territory funding was administered under the NHRA. The Mid-Term Review of the National Health Reform Agreement Addendum 2020-2025 (the Review) was jointly commissioned by all Health Ministers and undertaken by Ms Rosemary Huxtable AO PSM, with the final report delivered in October 2023.
- The Review was conducted according to Clause 21 of the NHRA and further directions from Health Ministers, including consideration of the response to and ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The Review’s findings were informed by a wide-ranging consultation process comprising workshops, interviews with key stakeholders, a targeted call for written submissions, and extensive data retrieval and analysis.
- The Review concludes that there are opportunities to broaden the scope of the Agreement to take a whole of health system view, to better manage the interface between care sectors, to incorporate the key system enablers of workforce and digital health, and to establish priority actions in the areas of First Nations peoples’ health.
*Independent review of Australia’s regulatory settings relating to overseas health practitioners, (Kruk Review) *published on the Department of Finances website.
- National Cabinet announced an independently led, rapid review of Australia’s regulatory settings related to health practitioner registration, skill and qualification recognition for overseas trained health professionals and international students who have studied in Australia.
- The Kruk Review, undertaken by Ms Robyn Kruk AO recommends reforms to streamline regulatory settings to make it simpler, quicker and cheaper for international health practitioners to work in Australia. These reforms will drive productivity dividends for migrants, employers and communities, while maintaining health care quality and safety.
- For more information.
National Obesity Strategy 2022–2032
- Obesity is a major cause of preventable chronic diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and at least thirteen cancers. The current rates of overweight and obesity in Australia are high. The National Obesity Strategy is a 10-year framework for action to prevent, reduce and treat overweight and obesity in Australia. It is endorsed by the Australian Government and state and territory governments.
Look at previous reports and documents
Health Ministers’ Meeting (HMM) – Communiques
State and territory government ministers responsible for health portfolios, along with the Australian Government Minister for Health and Aged Care, are members of the HMM.
Members take turns to fill the Chair and Deputy Chair roles.
Jurisdiction | Member | Portfolio |
Australian Capital Territory (Chair) | Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA | Minister for Health Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Minister for Families and Community Services |
Victoria (Deputy Chair) | Hon Mary-Anne Thomas MP | Minister for Health Minister for Health Infrastructure Minister for Medical Research Leader of the House |
Queensland | Hon Tim Nicholls MP | Minister for Health
South Australia | Hon Chris Picton MP | Minister for Health and Wellbeing |
Australian Government | Hon Mark Butler MP | Minister for Health and Aged Care Deputy Leader of the House |
New South Wales | Hon Ryan John Park MP | Minister for Health Minister for Regional Health Minister for the Illawarra and South Coast |
Western Australia | Hon Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA | Minister for Health, Mental Health |
Tasmania | Hon Jacquie Petrusma MP
| Minister for Health Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Veterans’ Affairs |
Northern Territory | Hon Steven Edgington MLA
| Minister for Health Minister for Mental Health Minister for Alcohol Policy Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Housing Minister for Local Government and Community Development Minister for Essential Services |
Health Ministers Meetings occur regularly, via a mix of virtual and face-to-face meetings to discuss and progress health priorities. The meeting schedule is determined by agreement between Members.
Ministerial authorities and national bodies who report to the HMM
The following ministerial authorities and national bodies contribute to the national health system and report to the HMM when required:
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC)
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)
- Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA)
- Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA)
- National Health Funding Body (NHFB)
- National Blood Authority (NBA)
Related committees or groups
National Cabinet
National Cabinet is a forum for the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers to meet and work collaboratively.
National Cabinet was established on 13 March 2020 and is chaired by the Prime Minister. It manages matters of national significance that need all governments to work together. National Cabinet may task the HMM with work to support development and implementation of national priorities.
Learn more about the structure of the National Cabinet
Health Chief Executives Forum (HCEF)
The Health Chief Executives Forum (HCEF) supports the Health Ministers’ Meeting to deliver agreed national priorities. Learn more about the HCEF.