The GPTAC provides a forum for general practice (GP) stakeholders to discuss issues related to the training of doctors seeking to become specialist GPs.
The role of the GPTAC is to provide advice to government to maintain and improve outcomes of GP training, and to monitor and provide advice on any issues arising from the transition of GP training to the college-led model.
The GPTAC is not a decision-making body.
Read the terms of reference for GPTAC.
Members | Organisation |
Prof Amanda Barnard | Independent (Chair) |
Dr David Campbell | Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) |
Dr Marita Cowie | Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) |
Dr Ameer Shehab | AMA Council of Doctors-in-Training (AMACDT) |
Dr Jonathan Newchurch | Australian Indigenous Doctors Association |
Dr Danielle McMullen | Australian Medical Association (AMA) |
Ms Melody Ahfock | Australian Medical Students' Association |
Ms Karen Martin | Consumers Health Forum (CHF) |
Mr Mike Pope | Department of Health and Aged Care |
Dr Chris Dickie | General Practice Registrars Australia |
Ms Kei Hsieh | General Practice Students Network (GPSN) |
Dr Srishti Dutta | General Practice Supervision Australia (GPSA) |
Prof Michelle Guppy | Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand |
Dr Tess Van Duuren | Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) |
Ms Georgina van de Water | Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) |
Ms Peta Rutherford | Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) |
The GPTAC meet four times during the year through videoconference or in person. Extra meetings may be held if required. The group exists until April 2026.
Related committees or groups
The First Nations General Practice Training Committee (FNGPTC) advises the Australian Government and GP Colleges on all aspects of First Nations GP training. The FNGPTC will report annually to the GPTAC.