Expert Advisory Group on Genomics Australia

The Expert Advisory Group (EAG) on Genomics Australia is providing advice to the Australian Government through the department on the establishment of a new national genomics body, Genomics Australia.


The EAG will provide advice to the Australian Government through the department on the design, role, main priorities, and key partnerships of a new national genomics body, Genomics Australia.

The new national genomics body will ensure a consistent approach to support integrating genomic health technologies into Australian healthcare.

Terms of reference


Members of the EAG include:

  • researchers
  • clinicians
  • industry
  • consumers
  • First Nations people
  • government representatives.

We appoint members for their expertise or interest in genomic health technologies.

Ms Penny Shakespeare (Co-Chair)Co-Chair, member, Commonwealth representative
Professor Kathryn North AC (Co-Chair)Co-Chair, member, individual technical
Mrs Jane BennettMember, consumer advocate
Professor Alex BrownMember, individual technical
Dr Kevin CarpenterMember, individual technical
Professor Jon EmeryMember, individual technical
Ms Louise HealyMember, consumer advocate
Professor Oliver HofmannMember, individual technical
Professor Dorothy Keefe PSMMember, individual technical
Mr Robert McBrideMember, individual technical
Professor Julie McGaughranMember, individual technical
Dr Kym MinaMember, individual technical
Ms Madeline O’DonoghueMember, individual technical
Professor Margaret OtlowskiMember, individual technical
A/Professor Beverley Rowbotham AOMember, individual technical
Professor Robyn Ward AMMember, individual technical
Ms Trinity MahedeMember, state and territory representative


The EAG is expecting to meet up to 6 times from July 2023 to June 2024.




Genetics and genomics contact

Contact us for more information on genetics and genomics, including our strategies and frameworks, specific priorities or projects.
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