Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission Expert Advisory Panel

The Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) advised the government on the research priorities for this Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) mission.


The Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission EAP was appointed on 9 April 2019 to provide the Minister for Health with advice on the strategic priorities for research investment through this mission. Its role was to define evidence and knowledge gaps that should be addressed through mission research funding to assist in transforming health care and health outcomes for individuals and communities. This role included the definition of key research questions that, if answered, will deliver meaningful change to patients through the translation of research.

EAP members consulted and engaged with other researchers, industry and consumer/patient groups and participated in media and public activities to build awareness of and facilitate interaction with the mission and with other MRFF-funded research.

Further information on the roles and responsibilities of MRFF EAPs can be found in the MRFF Mission Governance resource.


The EAP was independently chaired by 2 co-chairs and included members appointed for their expertise in various aspects of dementia, ageing and aged care. It ceased on 30 June 2022. The following information, including declarations of interest, was current until the EAP ceased.


Background and experience

Declarations of interest

Professor Elizabeth Beattie


Professor Elizabeth Beattie is a Professor of Aged and Dementia Care within the Faculty of Health at the Queensland University of Technology.

Research Centre Director of Dementia Centre for Research Collaborative until 23 December 2021.

MRFF funding recipient.

Professor Len Gray


Professor Gray is the Director of the Centre for Health Services Research within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Queensland.

Has a share in the Intellectual Property of commercial software solutions.

MRFF funding recipient.

Professor Kaarin Anstey

Professor Anstey is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Scientia Professor at University of New South Wales, a Senior Principal Research Scientist at NeuRA and the Director of the University of New South Wales Ageing Futures Institute.

NHMRC grant funding recipient.

Director of the UNSW Ageing Futures Institute.

Ms Megan Corlis

Ms Corlis is the Director of Research and Development at Helping Hand Aged Care.


Mr Craig Gear

Mr Gear is the Chief Executive Officer of the Older Persons Advocacy Network.

Member of Aid for Africa Downunder.

Director CGA Consulting NSW Pty Ltd.

Chief Executive Officer of the Older Persons Advocacy Network

Professor Linda Kristjanson AO

Professor Kristjanson is the Vice Chancellor and President of Swinburne University.


Ms Rhonda Parker

Former CEO of Alzheimer’s Australia WA Ltd (2012-2019).

Developed a best practice framework for consumer and community involvement for the Australian Health Research Alliance

Professor Susan Kurrle

Professor Kurrle is the Director of the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre and Curran Professor in Health Care of Older People at the University of Sydney.


Ms Jennifer Lawrence

Ms Lawrence is the Chief Executive Officer of the Brightwater Care Group.


Mr Ian Yates

Mr Yates is the Chief Executive Officer of the Council On The Ageing Australia.


Related committees and groups

The Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission EAP reported to the Minister for Health.

The Health and Medical Research Office provided secretariat support to the EAP.

Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission Expert Advisory Panel contact

Contact for further information on the Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission Expert Advisory Panel. The mission is funded by the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).
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