COVID-19 Arts and Health Advisory Committee

The COVID-19 Arts and Health Advisory Committee (AHAC) provides advice to the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the cultural and creative sector on how to reactivate the sector in a COVIDSafe way.



  • provides guidance and advice to government agencies and the cultural and creative sector as needed. They also provide advice on a roadmap for reactivating the sector in a COVID safe way
  • provides advice on submissions from the cultural and creative sector on how they can resume activities in a COVID safe way. The relevant state or territory government is responsible for making decisions on what activities are allowed
  • reports to AHPPC on matters related to the resumption of activities in the cultural and creative sector in a COVID safe way.




Dr Catherine Kelaher (Co-Chair)

Principal Medical Adviser, Chief Medical Officer Group, Australian Government Department of Health

Dr Stephen Arnott PSM (Co-Chair)

First Assistant Secretary, Office for the Arts, Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Dr Andrew Robertson

Chief Health Officer, Western Australia

Dr Glen Brown

Executive Lead, Compliance Public Health Incident Management Team, Queensland Health

Mr Adrian Collette AM

CEO, Australia Council for the Arts

Mr Tim McGregor

Managing Director, TEG Live

Mr Glen Rainsbury

Director, Venue Strategy and Business Development, Frontier Touring Group

The AHAC engages relevant health experts and industry representatives as required.


The AHAC has been established for a minimum of six months and meets every fortnight, or as necessary, via teleconference.

COVID-19 Arts and Health Advisory Committee contact

Contact the secretariat for further information about the COVID-19 Arts and Health Advisory Committee.
Date last updated: